Professional Certificate in Energy Security

Course Overview

Energy security is described by the International Energy Agency as:

“The uninterrupted physical availability of energy at a price which is affordable, while respecting environmental concerns.”

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has highlighted the fragile state of energy security for many countries across the globe. Combined with increased demand following the pandemic, there has been a subsequent sharp rise in energy costs that have also brought the issue down to a personal level as an increasing number face fuel poverty. While the UK government’s immediate response has been to provide financial assistance to families and businesses struggling with higher energy bills, greater long-term thinking is also required. In the UK, as in many other countries, renewed focus has been placed on reducing energy imports, transitioning away from oil and gas, improving energy efficiency, and improving resilience, especially around cybersecurity.

Learners will be trained through discussion and lectures with leading actors in the sector to further understand the current energy security context, how energy security policy can be improved, and how transition away from fossil fuels to other forms of energy sources can be achieved. The course will also look at cybersecurity and its role in protecting critical energy infrastructure, and what steps can be taken to improve cybersecurity. The course will help stakeholders think about the key aspects of energy security – reliability, dependency, and vulnerability – whilst thinking about how it affects individuals and how it matches decarbonisation targets.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course delegates will be able to:

  • Analyse the current energy security and geopolitical context, including the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and Russian invasion of Ukraine
  • Integrate this thinking into effective energy security policy-making with a focus on regulation, pricing and global issue scenario planning
  • Assess different sources of energy and their potential application in different contexts
  • Examine the growing importance of cybersecurity in protecting critical energy infrastructure (CEI)

Topics Include:

The Politics of Energy
  • The geopolitics of energy security
  • Fuel poverty and high energy costs
  • Energy, climate change, sustainability & global Net-Zero targets

  • Policy Making
  • Strategic energy policy-making
  • Transnational energy policy
  • Global issues scenario planning
  • Energy & regulation
  • Energy pricing

  • Energy Transition
  • The future of fossil fuels in a carbon-constrained world and challenges associated with dependency on oil and gas
  • Nuclear power: security, environmental and political aspects
  • Renewable energy sources: wind, solar and tidal

  • Cyber Security in the Energy Sector
  • Intersection of cybersecurity and critical energy infrastructure (CEI),