
Learning Lessons from the Continual Process of Devolution

From the UK to Japan, devolution has been a growing trend over the last few decades in an attempt to further democratise large nations. Decentralising state power to the regional and local levels seeks to develop greater representation and accountability to the population of a nation state. The process of decentralising and reallocating resources and power is not a straightforward task and can present many challenges along the way. Meg Munn is an independent governance consultant and former UK Minister. From 2014 – 2017 she worked as an associate of Global Partners Governance on their Basra project focused primarily on decentralisation. In this post, Meg discusses some of lessons learnt in the processes of devolution and her recent work in Basra,

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From Manifestos to Mandate: Analysing Pre-Election Party Promises – Andrew Archer

To kick things off with our discussion on policy planning and developments in the UK and internationally, former UK civil servant from the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills and Ministry of Justice, Andrew Archer, takes a look at the upcoming UK Parliamentary elections, compares the party manifestos, and explains the role of the civil service in turning the promises they contain into policy and legislation. Andrew is a regular contributor on a number of ICPS professional certificate courses, including the Professional Certificate in Strategic Policy Planning and the Professional Certificate in Management and Leadership.

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The Importance of Regulation & the Benefits of Regulatory Reform – Mark Dean

Following our previous work on regulation, we sought to further explore the topic in order to understand the extent of the need for regulatory review and reform. We spoke to long serving ex-civil servant and learning professional Mark Dean, who has focused his expertise on leadership in the regulation industry, competition and markets, and is the Chair for the upcoming 2017 symposium on international regulatory affairs – ‘Better Regulation for Better Results. Mark’s involvement in leadership, diversity and equality learning dates back to 1998. He has both led and contributed to leadership programmes for UK civil servants at all levels, led negotiation on internationally mobile projects in the UK’s Department of Trade and Industry, provided technical advice to procurement panels, and assisted organisations with their strategic business plans. As former Director in the UK Government Department for Business Innovation and Skills, Mark was responsible for a unique joint public-private sector consortium for several years which recieved “Vision 100” Award. Mark has also provided advice to several government departments on HR reform.

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Regulation in the Water Industry: Neglecting the Need for Review – Alan Thomson

As part of our research agenda on regulation and regulatory affairs, we spoke with the brilliant Alan Thomson on the topic of regulation, in the context of the water industry specifically. Named one of the top 25 global leaders by Water and Waste International in 2016, Alan has significant experience at a senior level as a client, consultant and contractor and over 35 years experience in the water industry across the UK and Abu Dhabi. Alan is the current Managing Director of Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC), and a former Regional Director at Mouchel Parkman. In recent years, Alan has not only been responsible for the development and modernisation of the wastewater infrastructure in the Emirate, which will ensure adequate collection capacity for future growth, but has led the integration of various regulations into ADSSC, with positive results.

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The Shared Need for Regulatory Reform & Challenge of Realpolitik – Julius Sen

To launch our brand new interview series, we interviewed ex-civil servant of India and academic professional Julius Sen on the topic of regulation. Julius has worked extensively on a broad range of projects exploring the regulatory implications of commercial development and on the broader implications of regulatory decisions taken by governments, international institutions and regulators from around the world. Holding almost 30 years of experience in the Indian civil service, Julius is a graduate of Carleton University, Canada, holds an MSc from the London School of Economics (LSE), and is an Honorary Professor of Public Administration as appointed by the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan. Currently based in London as an Associate Director, Senior Programme Adviser and member of the International Trade Policy Unit at the LSE, Julius is also a special adviser to the professional public affairs body, FIPRA International and a member of the Expert Group of the APEC SME Crisis Management Centre. In your view, who is regulation relevant to?

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